From Orthodoxy to Mysticism - My Christian Journey
Almost 40 years ago, in 1984, I was an orthodox Christian. I regularly attended St. Martin-in-the-Fields church in Trafalgar Square, London, known to many people around the world as “the parish church of England”. I also gave of my services to the Scrub Club, a motley crew of pensioners plus a few lost souls who cleaned the church each Saturday evening. Given that the church was a home for many of London’s down-and-outs, it was little surprise though highly amusing when a friend once commented that it was “more like cleaning up after a football match” than dusting a few pews as he had expected.
St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Trafalgar Square, London
My search for Truth had been prompted a few years beforehand when my conscience told me that all was not right with the world. That led to my reading of the four Gospels, and that in turn gave way to my church attendance. I had found in Christ a man who clearly knew the Way, and the way in which we should all rightly live on Earth.
It was therefore something of a shock when I was introduced by a colleague from work to The Aetherius Society. This organzation maintains that Christ, or “the Master Jesus” as they call him, originates from Venus and that he was an avatar like the Lord Buddha, Shri Krishna and others who had come to this world in order to teach and inspire mankind. Yet these beliefs were tame in comparison to their claim that Jesus had communicated through the founder of The Aetherius Society, Dr. George King, in 1958.
Two years later, in 1986, I became a Member of The Aetherius Society. The idea that Jesus was from Venus no longer disturbed me. I had always been open to more advanced life existing on other planets albeit upon higher levels of vibration than the physical level of Earth. Flying saucers and psychic mediums alone had done enough to convince me of both of these. Besides, the Bible itself records Jesus as saying “I am from the bright and morning star”, Venus; and “the Star of Bethlehem” makes far more sense as a spacecraft rather than a star hovering over a stable.
But it was this alleged contact between Dr. George King and the Master Jesus which intrigued me and, after sincere investigation, caused me to join The Aetherius Society. Dr. King, I was to learn, was no ordinary individual. Through the adoption of a “positive yogic Samadhic trance” following years of intensely disciplined training, he had been the channel for over 600 “Cosmic Transmissions” throughout the 1950s and ‘60s. These Transmissions were given by advanced Space Intelligences, mainly from Mars and Venus. Included amongst these Transmissions was a series of twelve delivered by the Master Jesus in London on consecutive Sunday mornings between July 27th and October 12th, 1958.
Dr. George King with a first edition of "The Twelve Blessings”
This was not the first time Jesus had spoken in this way through Dr. George King. There had been previous occasions, very often in London’s famous Caxton Hall before audiences of several hundred. Such was the power released as these Transmissions were given that mass fainting was not uncommon. But “The Twelve Blessings”, delivered to a limited audience of 53, were unquestionably special even then. By the time they were over the focus of terrestrial religion could never be the same again. A new concept - a Cosmic Concept - had been given to humanity, and it had been given by Revelation as a Voice of God speaking through the exceptional abilities of a remarkable man.
So what are these Twelve Blessings? Many people have referred to them as a cosmic extension to the Sermon on the Mount. Now that humanity has reached a stage in our evolution where we are beginning to venture into space and, at the same time, gain a greater scientific understanding of the cosmos, it is necessary for us to spiritually develop ourselves. The ultimate Truth is that we, like Christ, are Divine Beings; and that we exist within an unlimited Universe of Oneness. We are from being alone in this Universe. The Twelve Blessings present this immaculate philosophy in the most precise and beautiful way. They are teachings for humanity to grow into as we emerge into a whole New Age of greater cosmic awareness.
However, The Twelve Blessings are more than just a series of teachings. Even more importantly than this, they become - as they were intended - a deeply mystical spiritual practice.
Significantly, most of the Blessings were concluded by the Master Jesus with a prayer. Through the use of these prayers a stream of energy is sent out by the prayer to the focal point of each particular Blessing, for example “the Mother Earth” in the Seventh Blessing. By Karmic Law, energy is returned to the person praying from the focal point to which the initial energy was sent. This is one of the secrets behind the power of these wonderful Blessings. It is in this fashion that we may very potently avail ourselves of the spiritual energy necessary to gain enlightenment.
It was actually as a result of my own continued experience with this practice that led not only to my own acceptance of these teachings as coming from Jesus but also my membership of The Aetherius Society. Joining with services of The Twelve Blessings held in the basement chapel where they had originally been given I found that as I prayed with outstretched arms, (we have psychic centers in the palms of our hands able to transmit energy) my arms became like rods of steel with shafts of White Light extending out from them as the Blessings increased in potency towards the Twelfth Blessing. It was physically difficult to lower them. This repeated experience, coupling itself with the sheer beauty and profundity of the Blessings, enabled me to bring about a much deeper state of spiritual awareness than I had ever previously known.
It is this which is at the very core of The Twelve Blessings. The opportunity for each of us to heighten our own spiritual and cosmic awareness and in the process transmit great quantities of uplifting healing energy, unseen by the naked eye but most evident to the psychic, out to the world as a whole.
I encourage you to watch the video above and try it for yourself!