Maya Mire - A Spiritual Journey into Cosmic Truth and the Dawning of a New World

On May 13, 1990, aged 31 and a single man, I arrived at Los Angeles international airport on a one-way ticket from London Heathrow with almost all of my personal belongings in hand. I was not quite stepping into the unknown but in recent months my life had taken a dramatic turn, leaving behind a wake of genuine concern among family, friends and former work colleagues in the UK. In short, I had come to join an organization that was founded upon the belief that extraterrestrials exist, and that they had communicated through the founder of this organization for more than 35 years. It was not the sort of turn that most people tend to take in life. Indeed, they are much more likely to head quickly in the opposite direction. 

However, for me, it was an obligation I felt compelled to make as something I had intuitively known from before I was born. The orthodox route through life was a path that I had never fully embraced, mindful that it was not adventure that I otherwise sought but meaning; something that could satisfy my inner yearning for greater beauty and truth in our broken world. Moreover, it was not a rash gamble I felt I was making; there had been a steady meting out of steps that had brought me to this point, each of which had held firm beneath my questioning feet…

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Funeral for my Father