The Unspoken Message of Occupy Wall Street
Well, OK, it probably has been spoken but I've not heard what I believe the protesters are essentially saying which is "We don't want your broken world. We don't want your billion/trillion dollar debts. We don't want your wars. We don't want your lies and your corruption. We don't want your inequality and your injustice towards the poor. We don't want your big corporations dictating how we must live, and we don't want a planet that has been raped, polluted, and tossed aside. We just don't want it and we're not going to take it, so you can either take it back or move aside." To me, this is a great message which I can share. How far have we for generations moved away from the message of such Saints as Jesus Christ and the Buddha? Where would they stand in this movement? My reading of the scriptures tells me that they would squarely stand beside the underdog, the disenfranchised, the poor and the sick. Jesus' message, when asked by a wealthy man, was to give away everything that he had to the poor. The Buddha stepped down from his kingship to become a beggar in rags. What is the moral lesson they were trying to teach mankind? How have we left their message entirely unheeded to create the rotten, spoiled, polluted, corrupt, war-faring world that we have? And this is what the younger generation are now telling us we can do with it. They don't want it. They're not taking it. And anyone with a conscience and a fair and balanced mind must find it very hard not to agree with them. I know I do.