"Where there is no vision the people perish..." Proverbs 29:18
Photo: Nasa
Arguably, the simplest explanation as to why our world is in such a mess is because we are sadly, and woefully, in need of a new Spiritual vision. To this extent, a great page in the annals of human history is naturally being turned towards a greater understanding of our true place within the Cosmos, allowing us to learn - contrary to past belief - that neither are we alone in the Cosmos nor the single apple in God's eye. Acting as a harbinger of all this was the late Dr. George King, founder of The Aetherius Society and Yogic Medium for several Interplanetary Masters who conveyed a profound Spiritual and Cosmic message to all humanity throughout the second half of the 20th century. An example of this new vision was given by a Master from Mars in 1961 (exactly 50 years ago) in a series of transmissions which constitute the metaphysical and Spiritual treatise known as "The Nine Freedoms". Such simple truth, more than anything, will lead us out of our collective global chaos and guide us further along the Divine Path into greater Spiritual realization and understanding.
βThe World is yours, the Universe is yours, the Cosmos is yours, but only when the Spark speaks through you to all, about all, in all.β A Master from Jupiter, February 1st, 1962.